Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Experiences

Okay so its been a while since I have written a blog post. To be honest I completely forgot I had this account but my friends blog reminded me.

I moved in to college 18 days ago and I got to say I'm still adjusting. Its college you know the time of your life to reinvent yourself and do you things you never thought you would do and make the mistakes that will shape your future.

Things I've done that have been out of my comfort zone:
1) Went to an Inter-varsity meeting alone
-I knew no one there and no one really opened up to me either and tried to talk to me but I tried to talk to people as much as my body and voice would allow. I mean I could only take so much of the "leaders coming up to me talking to me cause they could tell i knew no one.
2)Talked to my neighbors and befriended them.....they are actually pretty cool but i don't want to smother them so I limit my time with them, they have other friends.
3)Ate dinner with people I don't really mates friends but without room mate

Trying things new:
1) Put vinegar on my sub (BAD IDEA)
2) Tried a Mesquite chicken sub but they didn't put hot BBQ sauce on it like they were suppose to so I had to settle for some other sauce and I didn't like it
3) Ordered toppers and found out that I liked it so I will probably get it every weekend that I'm here

Room mate:
My room mates name is Alyssa and she was a random, meaning that I didn't know her before move in day. She seems pretty cool but we have some differences and similarities. We both agree that we should voice our opinions nicely. She is very considerate but maybe sometimes a little to considerate. We both like romantic comedies but can't watch them to often cause they make us jealous. I can't really think of the other ones but there are more. Its funny cause we discussed the question "What genre of music can you not stand".....her answer, answer, SCREAMO can you guess what our favorite types are :) Its okay we both laughed and we wear head phones when on our computers so we don't have to hear each others music. We get a long but I don't see us becoming besties but its not really awkward between us anymore.

So I never posted this yesterday but I meant to so this is from yesterday and I don't think i really finished my thoughts but hey its an update....I'll probably post another one today so enjoy!!

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