So we all know that college is a time for experimenting and I can finally say that I'm working towards it. Here on campus there is a thing called Thirsty Thursday. Now I assume you know what that is but for those of you that don't, thursday night is the big party night on campus. A lot of drinking going on. Don't freak out yet, remember I'm taking baby steps. A few of us went into another's room and we played waterfall. This is a drinking game with cards and it is really fun but of coarse I played with Mt. Dew. Its a good thing too cause otherwise I would have been toasted real fast. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad I went to it when I was invited.
Weekend's on campus are not that exciting. Most of the people who attend Whitewater live within 30 miles of it so they go home every weekend which leaves campus really empty, quiet, and with nothing to do.
This weekend I found some things to do though. On friday I worked out with some friends and then we walked around campus which brought us to a park. We found some fun swings there and had a lot of fun. Then later I ordered some toppers and had a movie night with Shelby, we watched 27 dresses and then the series finale of Golden Girls just happened to be on when we turned the movie off. On Saturday I did nothing really, I helped my neighbors get ready for there girls night but then retreated back to my room to watch hallmark movies the rest of the night. Of coarse I had homework I could be working on but I stayed clear of that.
Today though I woke up at 10:51 and I was sooo happy because on the weekends I usually have to force myself to sleep in. It also helped that I was enjoying my dream a little too :) Then I took a shower and got ready for the day. Then again instead of doing my homework I watched Ever After, which is such a good movie. Then I went to see EASY A with some girls and it was actually really good. But of coarse since it is sunday night and I have 4 classes tomorrow I had to seclude myself to the basement to finish all my homework. I wrote my first english paper and it was suppose to be between 500-600 words and it turned out to be exactly 600 words. Now lets hope I did a good job. I also had to read a short story and take a quiz on it. I alway find the quiz on the reading pretty easy but he throws some trick questions in there which requires research and prior knowledge and it bugs me. So far i have gotten two 80s and two 90s on these quizzes. But i don't really find these fair because the quiz is to make sure you read and obviously I read but I don't get full credit because I concluded something different than the professor. Oh well there's not much I can do about that. I did some other homework and then I watched another halmark movie while keeping in touch with my neighbors boy problems and for her, her problems are that right now 4 guys like her. It must be sooo tough!!
Speaking of guys that is one thing I can hardly wait for. Its been 18 years and I have yet to have a guy like me. This makes me feel pathetic, but to be honest there has only been one real guy that I have ever really liked and that has passed. So that is what my goal is this semester, meet a guy! Not necessarily start dating him but hang out with him and at least be friends. I need guys in my life, I don't do well with girls 24/7 very well and for those of you that know me they can testify that I need my alone time.
Another thing I need to work on is reading the bible and getting closer to God again. To be honest I haven't opened up my Bible since my youth group ended in May. Thats something I can tell is missing in my life and I know if I start doing that again some things will start to work themselves out.
I GET TO GO HOME THIS WEEKEND!!! It will be my first weekend home since I left for college and I'm excited. It will get me a chance to get some things I forgot, sleep in my own full sized bed again, and do what I miss the most which is drive. I miss having the freedom to drive. It drives me nuts when I am at a place for a long amount of time and have no way of getting anywhere. Being on campus without a car makes me feel stranded. My van is my security blanket and I enjoy having it.
Well I think I have written enough for one night but I will try to write more often that way my blogs can be more like updates instead of novels!!
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm coming home too!!!!!!!!!!!